The Quarterly Journal of Judicial Law Views is a specialized publication with open access and closed (two-way-anonymous) peer review, which started its activity in 1996 under the title "Legal Views". The quarterly journal has been published since 24/12/2013 based on the license number 3/27119 of the Scientific Publications Review Commission of the country under the name "Judicial Law Views" and with scientific-research validity, and now according to Regulations of scientific publications of the country, 22/04/2019  continues his activity with "scientific" degree. This Quarterly Journal is published by the University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services in cooperation with the Judicial Sciences Association of Iran. The main topics of the Quarterly Journal are jurisprudence and Islamic law, public law, private and business law, criminal law and criminology, international law, law and new technologies (computer), intellectual property law, registration and real estate law, and urban law.

The Quarterly Journal Judicial Law Views is published in printed and electronic form. The cost of refereeing and publication of the article is received from the authors according to the guidelines for the evaluation of the articles and the way of payment of fees. It is necessary for all authors to carefully read the "Guidelines for Authors" section before submitting an article and to prepare and submit their article entirely in accordance with the guidelines of this Quarterly Journal. In case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions listed in the "Authors' Guide" section, the article will be returned to the "author in charge" only once to apply the mentioned terms and conditions. Also, respected authors must carefully complete the "Article Originality Form (authors' commitment)" and "Conflict of Interest Form" and upload their images together with the original file of the article in the quarterly system. After the initial acceptance of the articles by the referees, the article will be reviewed by the editorial board of The Quarterly, If it is finally approved, it will be published. This Quarterly Journal is subject to the rules of the publishing ethics committee and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.

Current Issue: Volume 28, Issue 103, February 2024 

Reviewing the Legality of the Cost of Proceedings

Pages 127-150


Abdoljabbar Zargoushnasab; Hamzeh Nazarpour; Nadia Nazarpour samsami

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